With arrival of the dark days of winter we have embraced the season with our Pecan Pie Imperial Porter. We took inspiration from the classic dessert by adding toasted pecans and vanilla to a sweet, full bodied porter beer base. Then we amplified the whole experience by cranking the ABV to 9.0%!
On brew day the rich aroma of the freshly toasted pecans filled the air. We further tried to emulate the biscuity flavours of the pie crust by using lots and lots of toasted and crystallised malts. A dash of roasted malts gave us the signature dark colour of a classic porter.
It should come as no surprise that this beer pairs perfectly with a slice of Pecan Pie. But it goes equally well with lots of other desserts, from chocolate cake to vanilla ice cream. And all the better if consumed next to a warm fire on a chilly winters night!
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